When missions and challenges shoehorn you into specific actions, however, the same loose mechanics that make the open-world exploration such a joy become a frustrating burden. When Just Cause 2 gives you the freedom to do the things you want in the way you want, it shines in all its preposterousness and good humor. This is a big game that gives you a lot to do and a lot of crazy ways to do it. But in the life of Rico Rodriguez, such events are just another day at the office, though in this case, the office is the gigantic island nation of Panau, where three gangs vie to wrestle control from a corrupt government. In the space of a few moments, you can grapple to a hovering helicopter beat up the pilot and hijack the chopper blow up a cluster of fuel tanks put the chopper on a collision course with an enormous antenna jump out at the last moment and watch the resulting explosion as you parachute to the ground below. Just Cause 2 is ridiculous in the best possible way.